Saw a couple movies on the premium channels yesterday.I’ll probably be stuck at home seeing more today.
Alexander: It sucked. There was absolutely no point to the nonlinear arrangement of scenes. It seems inconsistent that Angelina Jolie had to put on a Greco-Albanian accent while everyone else got to strut around with their english accents. To top it off, Colin Farrel sucks.
Mean Girls: Really great first half. The important details and ideas were covered well but some ran on for too long (Fine! We get it! The Plastics are shallow, and a bus runs over someone! We don’t need Cady’s monolouge to tell us again!) There were some jokes I should have laughed with, but the delivery in the movie brought them out as stale. So long story short…Hey! What is Halycon & On & On doing in the credits?! Ack, heart…melting! feeling…nostalgic! MORTAL KOMBAT!
I wish ImaginAsianTV was down here.