Tibet hits the fan

To the PRC

  • Fulfill your promises.

The PRC has made countless promises to itself and the world concerning media freedom and ethnic protections(Article 4). The PRC must hold up its promises by allowing the free exchange of information and giving autonomy to the region which is after all named the Tibet Autonomous Region. Once again, these are not foreign impositions, these are promises that the Communist Party have made in the past.

To Tibetans

  • Do not resort to violence for your goals

 I always look to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict point out that violence does not work. In forty years of violence, The Palestinians are no closer to justice than before. Do not follow any nihilists or insurgents.

Building a nation-state takes generations. Tibet is a fairly hard to access place, which makes it a difficult place for commerce and trade. If Tibet becomes a state, it may become a perpetual client to China and India, (more to China due to the Qinghai/Tibet railway) such as Myanmar is right now. New nations East Timor and Kosovo are also dependent on other states at the moment. I will even say that nationalism is no longer reasonable in the 21st century because of the compulsions of globalization. The best and most reasonable option to Tibet is more autonomy within the PRC.

  • The Han are not your enemy

Many of the Han migrant workers building the infrastructure of Tibet are as much victims of the system as you are. You may find common cause with Han workers. They may help you in achieving reasonable goals.



